Exerting Logic to Every Accounting Jargon
We explain accounting in logical laymen terms.
We Provide Quality Education
A Corporation wholly owned by a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
​We Provide Excellent Quality Education
Extremely Cost-Efficient!
WSQ Training Provider
Corporate Training and Coaching Whatsapps: 9736 8411
Sue Kam Accounting Pte. Ltd.
Regn No: 200708151D
wholly owned by a member of the
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

We have a policy in place to prioritize recruiting from amongst our current or ex-trainees and students. If we have a vacancy, we will consider applicants who were our ex-trainees or students first, before considering other applicants.
Currently, we are considering applicants for the following position/s with the following pre-requisites:
Assistant Adjunct Trainers / Back-up Trainers
Non-exclusive engagement, meaning we have no obligation to provide any assignment.
Prefer candidates with ACLP/ACTA qualification, undergoing or willing and committed to undergo
Prefer candidates with accounting background, qualification, accounting experiences, business compliances experiences such as Director/owner of your own company and have been handling your own company's Corporate Compliance matters on Accounts, Secretarial & Tax.
Current or ex-trainee of Sue Kam Accounting Pte. Ltd.'s course/s
Singaporean or Singapore PR
Interested applicants, please write to us as per contact details below, indicating clearly if you were our current or ex-trainees or students with some description such as course/s attended with us, roughly when was it and some details you could recall.
Training Administration Officer (Full time/Part time/Flexi time)
Preference will be given to the following candidate/s:
1. Current or ex-trainee of Sue Kam Accounting Pte. Ltd.'s course/s and/or
2. Past student of Sue Kam who had at least full Nine (9) months of consistent tutelage with Sue Kam
3. Prefer candidates with ACLP/ACTA qualification or undergoing
4. Singaporean or Singapore PR (coz we may not have quota for foreign employees)
Interested applicants, please write to us as per contact details below, indicating clearly if you were our current or ex-trainees or students with some description such as course/s attended with us, roughly when was it and some details you could recall.
I'm always looking to hear from my ex-trainees and students. Let's connect. Regards, Sue Kam.
Whatsapps: 9736 8411