Exerting Logic to Every Accounting Jargon
We explain accounting in logical laymen terms.
We Provide Quality Education
A Corporation wholly owned by a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
​We Provide Excellent Quality Education
Extremely Cost-Efficient!
WSQ Training Provider
Corporate Training and Coaching Whatsapps: 9736 8411
Sue Kam Accounting Pte. Ltd.
Regn No: 200708151D
wholly owned by a member of the
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
We offer:​
Ad-Hoc Individual Corporate Accounting Coaching

For ad-hoc individual coaching, either at our office or at yours, the fee is: For every session, $180 for first hour, subsequent hours is at $120 per hour. For example, a 2 hours session would cost $180+$120 = $300. 30% off for our current or ex-training participants.
For our current or ex-trainees, cash or cheque payment at the start of the lesson, by appointment.
For those who are not our current or ex-trainees,
advance payment of $200 (which is part of the coaching fee, not extras) is needed to book for the meeting room facility (if necessary) and also for our advance training materials preparations. We reckoned that a coaching duration of at least 2 hours is needed in any case for those who were not our trainees.
Please understand that we give preferential rates and terms for our current and ex-trainees due to various factors including less advance training materials preparations as all our trainees already have most (almost everything) of our training materials.
Disclaimer: Due to the inherent nature on these topics, we shall not be liable for any wrong, inaccurate or incomplete information or advice/s or help provided by us (including by the accounting coach / trainer/s or anyone connected to us) in relation to this training. We will give our best endeavour to facilitate/guide our training participant/s to successfully manage their own company accounts and regulatory compliance. Due to the sophistication of information technology now a days, we are unable to guarantee that all our downloadable soft copies of files are free from virus/es, though we do not install any virus ourselves. You are advised to use reliable virus protection software. Hard copies of materials will be given. Should we happen to share soft copies of materials with you, it will be shared on Google Drive and your email address will be visible to other participants. You would be deemed to have given us consent to share your email address on Google Drive when you take up our services / products.
Our Super Simple Excel Accounts Template 3 SK, 4, 5 & 6 (with customization) will be available for post-course individual coaching clients.
These are Excel Accounts Template for book keeping which incorporate the following feature:
Yearly Compilation:
Template 1 : For First Year Small Businesses with only one bank account, no cash transactions
Template 2 : For First Year Small Businesses with bank & cash account
Template 3 : For subsequent years Small Businesses
Template 3 SK : Full integration with Financial Statements, Tax Computation & AGM
Monthly Compilation:
Template 4 : GST
Template 5 : Foreign currency bank account & Singapore bank account
Template 6 : GST & Foreign currency
Suitability : Companies with revenue below S$1 million, though it is also possible for companies which revenue is between S$1 million but below S$5 million.
Advantages of using Excel Accounts Template v Accounting Software
1. Excel is a tool which most people are familiar with
2. You know the flow of information and the formula within the template, thus any further change or customization can be self-implemented
3. You can easily copy the template and re-customize it
4. As you know how the template works, you are not entirely dependent on external support
5. Adding / Deleting of sheets, rows, columns can be done ownself
6. Cheap and easy to use
7. With latest version of Microsoft Excel, there are lots of possibilities with integrated functions such as Macro, Developer, Cloud sharing and there are more advanced functions coming up on an ongoing basis.